||| Stoneware covered with Urushi, finished w/ Tin |||

Stoneware + Urushi + Tin

Lacquering on stoneware, followed by application of powdered Tin.

Urushi lacquer acts as an adhesive to allow Tin fits to stoneware.
After lacquering and application of powdered Tin several times, bake Urushi and
burnish it to finish.

I hope you enjoy the body texture, the hue of Urushi and calm feel of Tin.

*Tin is said to be the safest metal.

Japanese lacquer, called Urushi, comes from the Japanese Urushi tree sap.
Sap is used after it is filtered to remove any dirt or other particles.
Though being exposed to air moisture, it hardens into one of the finest / strongest
protective coatings in the world.